Petty Cash / Participant Payments / Other Cash Payments

Petty Cash or Change Funds are provided to departments to provide immediate funds to make change or for emergency, non-recurring expenditures. Participant Payment Funds are provided to research groups with the approval from Office of Research and Development to compensate human subjects. Student Athlete Recruitment Fund is provided to the Athletic department to provide funds to FIU student hosts when Prospective Student-Athlete “PSA” make official visits to the University.
All cash handling of the university must be approved by the Office of the Controller.
If you need additional assistance with this area, please email our Cash Request Team.
The following links will direct you to useful resources such as procedures, policy, templates, and other related information:
Policies & Procedures
Petty Cash & Change Fund
- Petty Cash - Change Fund Request
- Petty Cash Semi-Annual Acknowledgement
- Petty Cash - Transfer of Custodianship
Participant Payment Fund
- Advance for Research Subject Payments
- Participant Payment Semi-Annual Acknowledgement
- Participant Payment Cash Fund Log
- Participant Payment Fund Extension
- Participant Payment Transfer of Custodianship Form
- Participant Payment Replenishment Form / Closure Form