Student Financials Questions
Where can I see my student account charges?
You can access your student account charges from your MyFIU portal.
Why don’t I receive a bill in the mail?
Your bill is available online through your MyFIU portal. Electronic billing is more efficient and accurate than paper statements since the balance is real-time and your account will update if you change your class schedule or any payments are posted to your account.
How much do I owe for tuition?
You may obtain your tuition balance from your MyFIU portal.
When is my tuition payment due?
You may find the tuition payment deadline on the academic calendar online.
How does Student Financials Services communicate with students?
Correspondence from Student Financials Services will be sent to the student’s FIU e-mail account. Students are expected to check their FIU e-mail account in order to stay current with university-related communications.
Do you offer a payment plan for tuition?
Yes, we offer payment plan options to eligible students. For more information about the payment plan options available, see Payment Plan. If eligible for a payment plan, you may enroll in a payment plan online via your MyFIU portal and clicking Enroll in Payment Plan under the Financial Account tile.
How can I pay for my tuition?
For payment questions, please see How to Pay.
What is the quickest and most efficient way to receive refunds?
Direct Deposit is the best and most efficient means to receive refunds. You can sign up for direct deposit online through your MyFIU portal and clicking Direct Deposit under the Financial Account tile.
What is the difference between disbursement and refund?
Disbursement is issued by the Financial Aid Office and refers to your financial aid getting applied to your student account. Refund refers to the excess of funds you can receive after aid has been disbursed and your outstanding balance for tuition and fees have been paid. For more information about disbursement, please see Receiving Your Financial Aid or contact the Financial Aid Office. For more information about refund, please see Financial Aid Refunds or contact the Student Financials Services Office.
When will I get my refund?
Student refunds are processed automatically when there is a refundable credit on a student’s account. If you are enrolled in direct deposit allow 2-3 business days for the funds to appear in your bank account after the refund is processed. If you’re not enrolled in direct deposit, a check will be mailed to your home address on file.
Financial aid refunds are generally processed on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. PLUS loan refunds are generally processed on Wednesdays.
Overpayment refunds are generally processed on Tuesdays. If the overpayment is funded by a paper check or electronic check payment, there is a ten-day encumbrance from the payment date before a refund can be generated. Credit card refunds are generally generated on Wednesdays.
Refunds are usually note generated on bank holidays, last day to pay deadlines, and the day of enrollment cancellation. Overpayment student refunds are not processed during the add/drop and reinstatement period.
For more information about refunds, please see Financial Aid Refunds or contact the Student Financials Services Office.
I added a class(es) after the Last Day to Pay Tuition and Fees for the current term, by when do I have to pay for them?
Classes added after the Last Day to Pay Tuition and Fees for the current term must be paid for on the day you register for them in order to avoid a Late Payment Fee and the possibility of having all your classes cancelled.
I paid for my classes already but then I dropped courses prior to the Add/Drop deadline. How and when will this money be refunded to me?
Refunds for tuition and fees are processed automatically via a check or to your direct deposit. If you paid by credit card, your credit card will be refunded.
I am receiving Financial Aid and it is enough to cover 100% of my tuition and fees. Why does it still show I owe money?
The Financial Aid Office disburses financial aid funds on students’ accounts after the Add/Drop period ends each term. Students with financial aid that covers 100% of tuition and fees do not need to pay any money before the Last Day to Pay each term. However, if your financial aid is less than your tuition and fees, then you must pay the difference by the Last Day to Pay. Students who fail to pay the difference will have their class schedule cancelled.
I have Financial Aid and/or Scholarship money awarded to me for the current term, but it is not enough to cover what I owe. How can I find out how much my portion is that I am supposed to pay?
If your financial aid does not cover the full cost of your tuition and fees, you are responsible for paying the difference between your tuition and fees balance and pending financial aid. Use the following steps to see what you may owe:
Log onto your MyFIU student portal.
Select the ‘Financial Account’ tile.
Click Account Balance on the sidebar.
Under “What I Owe,” calculate: subtract the ‘Charges & Deposits’ from the ‘Pending Financial Aid’ to determine the total balance due.
If your pending financial aid is less than your tuition and fees, it is your responsibility to pay any remaining balance due by the Last Day to Pay, and to avoid enrollment cancellation.
Any unwanted class(es) should be dropped by the Last Day to Add/Drop to avoid financial liability. You will be tuition and fee liable for all courses dropped after the add/drop deadline.
My Financial Aid and/or Scholarship award money exceeds the amount of my tuition and fees. Will I receive the difference and when?
Financial Aid and/or Scholarship money is disbursed to the students’ accounts after the Add/Drop period ends each term. After your account is paid, the excess financial aid funds are refunded to you. Your refund will be contingent upon Financial Aid disbursement. For the exact time your funds are to be released by Financial Aid, please contact the Financial Aid Office.
I have both Florida Prepaid and Financial Aid; will all my tuition & fees be covered?
Yes. If your pending aid is sufficient to cover the balance left after your Florida Prepaid has been applied, then you do not need to make a payment. However, if your pending aid after Florida Prepaid is not sufficient, then you will need to make a payment by the Last Day to Pay.
I don't want to attend classes and I have Financial Aid or Florida Prepaid; will my classes be automatically dropped?
No, you must drop your classes by the Last Day to Add/Drop; otherwise you will be held liable for any classes you are registered for after that time.
When will my tuition waiver be processed?
All approved tuition waivers will be applied by the last day to pay. For more information on types of waivers available, please see Tuition Waivers.
For questions about your tuition waiver (excluding Graduate Assistantship Waiver, Disaster Relief Waiver, Non-Resident Waiver, and Admissions Deposit Waiver), please contact
I have a Graduate Assistantship. How much do I have to pay?
What is the Health Fee?
The health fee is a mandatory fee that is charged to all students as part of their enrollment each semester. The health fee allows the University to provide high quality affordable clinical, preventative care, and mental health services at convenient on-campus locations by various departments. These departments include: Student Health Services (SHS), Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), Victim Empowerment Program (VEP), and Disability Resource Center (DRC). For more information, please visit the University Health Services.
This fee is NOT an insurance policy.
Used to support the Health Care and Wellness Center, the Counseling and Psychological Services Center, Victim Advocacy Center and Disability Services.
What is the Athletic Fee?
An athletic fee is a mandatory fee and will be collected each term along with the tuition. This fee was endorsed by the 1994-1995 Student Fee Committee to upgrade the University’s intercollegiate athletic program to NCAA Division I competition for both men and women.
Additional information can be found at FIU Athletics.
What is the Transportation Access Fee?
The Transportation Access Fee is a mandatory fee and is assessed to all students per semester as part of their enrollment fees except for students registered for a fully online degree program, students using tuition waiver, or otherwise classified as exempt. This fee funds maintenance of parking facilities, sidewalks, garages, emergency call boxes, bicycle rack program, lighting, etc.
Additional information can be found at FIU Parking.
What is the Photo ID Service Fee?
The $10.00 annual, non-refundable, Photo ID Service Fee is a mandatory fee and is assessed as part of your tuition and fees once every academic year. It does not entitle you to a new ID card. This fee covers the cost of maintaining all the services provided by the FIU One Card Office.
The Photo ID Service Fee enables the activation of your FIU One card for use in the library, the gym, at school events, etc. It does not cover the cost for your card or the replacement of a lost card.
Additional information can be found at FIU Onecard.
What is tuition differential?
All undergraduate students admitted after July 1, 2007 are responsible for paying the tuition differential. The differential tuition fee provides additional funding needed for research universities to provide competitive academic programs for undergraduate courses.
Students with Florida Prepaid contracts established before July 1, 2007 are exempt from the tuition differential.
Graduate students or Law students who were admitted after July 1, 2007 and register for Undergraduate courses will also be charged tuition differential for those courses.
If you would like additional information about tuition and fees, please see Estimate Your Costs.
Collections Questions
I have a financial hold that is preventing me from registering for classes. Can the hold be temporarily removed?
The financial hold will remain on your account until the past due balance is paid in full. You may contact Student Financials at or call 305-348-2126 to discuss your account status and the options available to you.
How do I setup a payment arrangement for my past due student account?
If you are unable to pay the balance in full, please email or call 305-348-2126 to setup a monthly payment arrangement before your balance is sent to a collection agency.
If your account has already been referred to a third-party collection agency, please contact the collection agency to make payment arrangements.
I am unable to pay my past due balance in full. If I begin making monthly payments, will my account be referred to a collection agency?
If you are making a payment at least once every 30 days and paying the monthly amount as determined by your payment arrangement with Student Financials, your account will not be referred to a third-party collection agency. Establish a payment arrangement by contacting Student Financials by email at or by calling 305-348-2126.
What happens if my account is referred to a collection agency?
If your account is referred to a collection agency, you may be assessed collection fees and your account may be reported to a credit bureau. Once assigned, you will be directed to send all communications and payments to the collection agency. If you are unsure if your debt has been referred to a third-party collection agency; or if you need the contact information for the agency, please email Student Financials at or call 305-348-2126 for more information.
If I pay the University directly, do I still need to pay for the collection fees?
Yes, you will still be responsible for any fees that have been assessed on your account because your account is currently with an agency.
I paid my balance in full at the collection agency. Why do I still have a hold on my account?
Payments made at the collection agency are reported to the university once a month. Once the full payment is reported, your hold will be removed. If you need your hold lifted immediately, please contact the collection agency and request they email us with a payment confirmation. If payment was made with a check, it could take up to 7 to 10 business days for the hold to be removed.
Third Party Billing Questions
What documents do I submit if my tuition is being paid by a third party?
Third Party Entity Agreement eForm and voucher/letter of financial guarantee.
How do I submit my documents?
Submit your Third Party Entity Agreement eForm with attached voucher/letter of financial guarantee to Student Financials Services electronically via your MyFIU portal.
- Login to MyFIU. See Access MyFIU for help.
- Select the ‘Student Tools’ tile, then ‘Student E-Forms.’
- Click ‘Student Financials’
- Select ‘Third Party Entity Agreement eForm’
- Complete the ‘Third Party Entity Agreement eForm’
- Select ‘Upload Financial Guarantee…’ to attach the voucher, letter of financial guarantee, or pertinent documents
- Acknowledge the Third Party Entity Agreement eForm
- Click Submit
When is the deadline to submit my documents?
The Third Party Entity Agreement with proper attachment will be due by the first day of classes for the term to avoid any late fees and/or enrollment cancellation. All tuition and fees not covered by the third-party voucher/financial guarantee must be paid by the student by the last day to pay as posted on the Academic Calendar.
Do I need to submit documents each semester?
Yes, the Third Party Entity Agreement eForm with proper attachment must be submitted for each term even if the authorizing document is for an extended period.
Should I make a payment if my third party will pay for my tuition and fees?
All tuition and fees not covered by the third party voucher/letter of financial guarantee must be paid by the student by the last day to pay as posted on the Academic Calendar.
What should I do if I do not see a third party temporary credit on my student account?
Please make sure you have submitted your Third Party Agreement with proper attachment by the term deadline.
If you are a vocational rehabilitation student and submitted the Third Party Agreement with voucher for the term, please know that your account will be protected meanwhile vouchers are being processed.
If you have additional questions, please contact us at or 305-348-2126.
If my third party will not be able to provide me with the voucher/letter of financial guarantee by the deadline, what should I do?
Please enroll in a payment plan and pay your first installment by the payment deadline to avoid any late fees and/or enrollment cancellation. For more information on payment plan options, visit Payment Plan.
Or your third party entity can submit a commitment letter to request an extension before payment deadline.
If you have additional questions, please email third party at