About Us

The University Travel section is committed to excellence by providing accurate and timely travel and other expense reimbursements incurred by employees, students and authorized individuals, training support and outstanding customer service through dedicated teamwork.

Alejandra Blanco Accounting Manager (305) 348-1141

Travel Alphabet Assignments

Represents the First letter of the Employee’s Last Name

Sandra Ocampo Accounting Specialist (305) 348-4041 F, J, M, N, R *   
Rossana Guetton Accounting Specialist (305) 348-2438 A, I, L, P, V *   
Elizabeth Trobiani Senior Accounting Clerk (305) 348-2663 B, E, O, S, T*       
Humberto Mendez Senior Accounting Clerk (305) 348-2419 C, D, G, H, K*
Laura Lozano Palacio Student Assistant (305) 348-2404 U, Q, X, W, Y, Z*

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