Newsletter 2019-2020 Volume 12
- Monthly Closing Calendars
- 2019-2020 Year-End Memorandum
- Petty Cash & Participant Payment Fund- Required Semi-Annual Acknowledgment
- FY20 Purchase Orders
- Credit Card Reconciliation: Supporting Documentation
- Delivery and Receiving Update
- GovQuote’s “Vendor Sales Report” Service
- Card Security: Card Sharing
- FY21 Requisitions
- Promotional Items Preferred Supplier: 4Imprint, Inc.
- Peoplesoft Financial Supplier Change Request (SCR) Solution
- Reminders and Deadlines
Monthly Closing Calendars
The May 2020 period in the general ledger has closed. When running your reports, please keep in mind that the reporting environment has a 24-hour delay in displaying data. The current and future month-end processing deadline schedules are located at Monthly Closing Deadlines.
2019-2020 Year End Memorandum
As we prepare to enter into the upcoming fiscal year-end closing process, it is important that all departments review and reconcile their ledgers; verifying that the recording of all purchase orders, invoices, travel expenses, and payroll transactions pertaining to FY 2019-2020 are accurate and all corrections are posted. Before closing, it is also necessary to ensure the accuracy of any outstanding encumbrances (purchase orders and travel authorizations) for the year so budget balances for State fund carry forwards are correct.
Please review the FIU Controller memorandum for deadlines and information regarding the year end process.
Petty Cash & Participant Payment Fund Required Semi-Annual Acknowledgment
The Controller’s Office requests all custodians of Petty Cash and Participant Payment Funds (PPF) to complete a custodian acknowledgement form and submit it to the Controller’s Office on a bi-annual basis. The acknowledgment form is due by June 30th and December 31st of each year. These forms are reviewed by auditors and serve as confirmation that the funds remain under your care and are properly safeguarded. Please complete and sign the applicable semi-annual Custodian Acknowledgement Form and e-mail it to Oriana Estevez and Cash Request Team.
In addition, it is imperative that the current approved custodian is signing the acknowledgement form. If the period of the approved PPF has lapsed, then the funds must be either returned and the PPF closed, or an Extension Form must be completed, signed, and approved in order for replenishments to be processed.
All forms must have proper signatures and activity numbers or projects. Delays in the submission of these forms may result in payments being held until completed forms have been received. Check the Controllers’ Office website to access the forms is here.
Please feel free to contact Oriana Estevez extension 7-2557 if you have any questions regarding the petty cash or participant payment fund process.
FY20 Purchase Orders
Please review the list of open purchase orders for All Funds as of June 2, 2020 to avoid rolling over open encumbrances for purchase orders that should be closed this fiscal year.
For ALL FUNDS, communicate to Crystal Herrera, Associate Director of Procurement, those purchase orders that you wish to close no later than June 25, 2020 to allow sufficient time for processing.
Review the PO Activity Summary in PantherSoft for each PO you would like closed to make sure that it is paid before submitting your request to close the PO. Those POs with pending invoices and/or receipts cannot be closed. In your e-mail, confirm the POs have no pending activity and can be closed out.
As a reminder, blanket purchase orders not using grant funds will be closed on June 30, 2020. Please note this is not an automated process; we close purchase orders manually. If you have blanket purchase orders with no pending activity, we encourage you to send your requests to close these out now and not wait until the end of the year.
Credit Card Reconciliation: Supporting Documentation
As a reminder, when reconciling Pcard transactions, scanning and attaching of receipts and supporting documentation is mandatory. While all charges must still be approved within 10 business days, Approvers will have thru the end of the calendar month to complete attaching all documentation.
Examples of supporting documentation include:
- Flyers
- Print samples
- Agendas
- Quotes
- Attendance Sheets
If you have any questions, please reach out to the Credit Card Solutions Team.
Delivery and Receiving Update
COVID19 has created challenging times with the move towards telecommuting and remote learning. The Office of the Controller and Facilities are getting many questions about delivered items, including USPS deliveries and how to receive items in PeopleSoft. Below are general guidelines to follow:
- All deliveries to MMC and some deliveries to EC, unless designated to go to CP-193 (Scientific Receiving) or the PantherTech Store, will go to the Surplus Warehouse (W-7) located on the west side of MMC Campus. Packages at EC are also being received by the EC Security and placed in the storage room. An email is sent by EC Security when a package is received.
- All deliveries to BBC will go to FIU Central Receiving, located 3000 NE 151st Street, Building S01 Central Receiving, North Miami, FL 33181.
- The FIU mail room will continue to receive packages from the USPS at CSC 1133 (rear of building).
- Recipients of packages will receive either an email, phone call and/or a Microsoft Teams notification informing them of receipt of the item. In order to receive a Microsoft Teams notification, you need to sign up as a member of Microsoft Teams by following the instruction below. All items will be held until the remote work conditions have ended or the recipient (with a picture id) picks up the item between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday at the warehouse and EC, and 7:30 – 3:30 at the mail room. We highly recommend you come on campus to pick up items as storage space may be limited.
- If any package is expected and is needed immediately, feel free to reach out to Surplus Property at 7-2799/2173/2179 (Surplus Warehouse), 6-5526 (BBC Receiving), 7-3695 (Scientific Receiving – CP-193) and 7-2644 (Mail Service CSC-1133).
- Under extenuating circumstances and with written justification from your VP/Chair/Dean/Director, Executive Director of Procurement Services will review requests on a case-by-case basis for home deliveries. Send an email with the justification and requested documentation to Kelly Loll, Executive Director Procurement Services at for consideration.
Receiving in PeopleSoft Finance
If items are delivered at the W-7, CP-143, Mail Room or Central Receiving BBC and you have confirmed receipt through Microsoft Teams (see below to sign up) by searching for the picture of the package label then:
- All purchases made through myFIUmarket can be “Received” in PeopleSoft Finance and payment will be made.
- All purchases under $2,000 that are special request (non-myFIUmarket) can be “Received” in PeopleSoft and payment will be made.
- All purchases over $2,000 that are special request (non-myFIUmarket) must be physically picked up at the warehouse(s) before the items can be “Received” in PeopleSoft and payment can be made.
We highly recommend that you come on campus to pick up your purchases and take it to your office, once you receive an email notification from Teams as noted below.
Teams Installation Instructions
Install Microsoft Teams on your computer or mobile device, Click here to download.
Sign in with your FIU credentials
Click on “Join or create a team”
Use the option of “Join a team with a code”:
- For MMC, including Scientific Receiving use “Receiving” team, and use code 4ai53w0.
- For BBC use “BBC Receiving” team and use code zyn5gj0.
- For Mail Room use “Mail Room” team and use code 18zxjtw.
Watch this 7 min video: Microsoft Teams – Best Practices.
Training: Go to LinkedIn Learning take “Microsoft Teams Essential Training”.
GovQuote’s “Vendor Sales Report” Service
To help agency buyers make better-informed decisions, GovQuote has launched a free “Vendor Sales Report” service where any agency buyer can request and receive a detailed report from GovQuote’s database of government purchasing data to confirm if a vendor has worked with other governmental entities (e.g. have they previously sold to government, how many agencies, total amount of government sales, recent activity, etc.). The “Vendor Sales Report” for any vendor under consideration is available at:
Card Security: Card Sharing
University issued card or card number should always be protected and kept in a secure location. The only person authorized to use a university issued Card is the Cardholder whose name appears on the face of the card. Under no circumstances will a card and/or card number be given or loaned out to another person or e-mailed in its entirety.
Any Cardholder sharing their Card information or allowing another individual to use their Card for purchases may have their card privileges revoked.
FY21 Requisitions
You may start entering requisitions in FY21 on July 2, 2020. For Special Request requisitions entered and approved after July 2, 2020 you should anticipate a PO turnaround time of more than seven business days.
Blanket Purchase Order requests must contain requisition origin “BPO.” If not, our buyers will need to cancel the pending approval PO and you will need to re-enter a requisition. Instructions on how to properly set up a blanket purchase order can be found here.
Please refer to the Year-End Memo for other key deadlines.
Promotional Items Preferred Supplier: 4Imprint, Inc.
Procurement Services has recently finalized piggyback agreement PUR-03151 for Promotional Items.
The City of Miami awarded the Promotional Items contract to 4Imprint pursuant to their IFB No. 1018381 on May 14, 2019. The initial term of the agreement is for five (5) years with option to renew for five (5) additional one (1) year periods.
Among the benefits that FIU will receive is a discount of 10% off 4Imprint’s current published catalog price. Click here for a detailed list of benefits and ordering information.
Contact Information:
4Imprint, Inc.
101 Commerce St.
Oshkosh, WI 54901
Shay Freund
P. 877-446-7746
F. 866-963-9311
Peoplesoft Financial Supplier Change Request (SCR) Solution
We will update you on our progress as we get closer to Go Live.
Reminders & Deadlines
Let’s expedite approving Travel Authorizations, Cash Advances, and Expense Reports. Documents that have not been completely finalized and are older than 90 days will be cancelled or deleted by the Travel Department. A list of pending documents is located here. Information regarding report status abbreviations and how to close or cancel Travel Authorizations and/or Expense Reports can be found here.
Departmental Card Deadline
As a reminder, departmental card billing transactions regularly load the first business day of the month; program participants will have 10 days to process this activity in its entirety. This month’s billing statement (dated May 29, 2020) loaded into PantherSoft on June 1, 2020 and must be completely processed by the end of the business day on June 12, 2020.
Any charges not processed by the closing deadline will be automatically charged to the cardholder’s default accounting on file and will not be eligible for a transfer. Cardholders with three unjustified non-approvals in the same fiscal year will have their card temporarily suspended until they complete a retraining session.
Reminder for end of year deadlines:
- All purchases for FY20 must be completed by June 19, 2019. Any purchases not posted by the bank to the June 30, 2020 Billing Statement will be charged to your FY21 budget.
- Transactions for the June 30, 2020 Billing Statement will load into Panthersoft on July 2, 2020 and must be reconciled and approved by noon, July 7, 2020.
- All cards will be temporarily suspended from 5pm on June 19-30, 2019. Any emergency purchase requests during the shutdown period must be emailed to Kelly Loll, Executive Director of Procurement Services for review and approval.
How to sign up for the Panther Post Newsletter
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