Newsletter 2021-2022 Volume 1
Monthly Closing Calendars and YE Closing Activities
June (period 12) soft close process, which encompasses recording of departmental entries including all payroll and expense accruals as part of the fiscal year end closing activities, was completed on July 23 as scheduled. Please keep in mind that the Controller’s office will continue recording transactions that may affect FY21 activity through August 2nd, at which time the FY21 general ledger will be closed. Please keep this in mind and when running your reports, remember that the reporting environment has a 24-hour delay in displaying data. The current and future month-end processing deadline schedules are located at Monthly Closing Deadlines.
Procurement Manual Update
As of July 7, 2021, the Procurement Manual has been updated to reflect current procedures, policies, and regulations. It was reviewed and edited by the following:
- Controller’s Office
- Controller
- Procurement Services
- Departmental Card
- AP
- HR
- Fleet Management
- Facilities
- EH&S
- University Compliance & Integrity
Some of the Sections in the Procurement Manual that have major changes are noted below:
- 2.2.1 Florida Board of Governors Procurement Related Regulations
- Added information on the Resolution on the President’s Powers and Duties which reflects the BOT’s delegations of authority from the BOT to the President.
- 2.2.3 FIU Procurement Related Policies and Procedures
- Updated information on Ethics in Purchasing and Gift Policy (140.105)
- Updated information on Contracts Review Policy (150.105)
- Added information on Conflict of Interest Policy (1710.075) and completion of the Report of Outside Activity Form.
- Added information on Application Software Resources: Purchasing, Licensing & Use Policy (1930.005) and the need to complete the HECVAT vendor risk questionnaire
- Updated the Sponsored Research Purchasing Exemption Policy (2350.75) and the need to follow the Uniform Guidance, 2CFR, 200
- Updated information on Signature Delegation and that only authorized signatories can accept electronic (e.g., click-through) agreements.
- 3.2.2 Sole Source Purchases $74,999 or less
- Updated the process to allow the use of a Sole Source Request via e-mail to the Executive Director of Procurement Services requesting approval to waive the quote requirement and include a supplier’s letter certifying the goods or service(s) is not available from another source. If using sponsored funds attach a completed Sole Source Request form.
- 3.5 Alternate Purchases/Cooperative/Piggy-back Contracts
- Added the need to use existing State University System (SUS) Shared Initiatives contracts, unless the Executive Director of Procurement Services or designee documents that such use is not in the best interest of the university
- 3.6.1 Informal Competitive Process
- Added information that allows the Executive Director of Procurement Services to approve the request to award to other than the low quote, when two or more quotes are received if the low quote(s) is not the most responsible, responsive quote and/or waive the GovSpend requirement if justification is provided via e-mail that support the recommended award.
- Added information that requires departments to utilize GovSpend to obtain electronic quotes from at least two suppliers and one quote should be from an MBE/SBE suppliers, if available. The exception is when the purchase is exempt, another approved procurement method is utilized, or the Executive Director of Procurement Service waives the two quote requirement.
- 3.6.2 Formal Competitive Process
- If you have a procurement need that is over $75,000, contact determine an appropriate procurement method. If it is determined that a competitive solicitation is required, you will need access to Sourcing Director via myFIUmarket to complete a Sourcing Event Request Form.
- 4.2 Non-Conforming Purchase
- Created the new Non-Conforming Purchase Justification form in Image Now which starts when filling out the Unencumbered form and has workflow approval built into the form. Please see the Non-Conforming Purchase Justification Form Information.
- Changed the Non-Conforming Purchase Justification form approval workflow to the immediate supervisor for the non-conforming staff and the Expense Manager of the Business Unit.
- If the Non-Conforming Purchase Justification form is over $5,000 or if this is a third offense for purchases under $5,000 the approval workflow has changed to the Business Unit Head for the non-conforming staff.
- Added information that requires the approval from The Office of Research and Economic Development for any Non-Conforming Purchase Justification form equal to or greater than $10,000 paid from sponsored project funds.
- 4.2 Non-Conforming Purchase and II.6.3 Allowable Unencumbered Payment for Services.
- Added information that allows the Controller the discretion to allow for alternate payment methods which will be reviewed by the Executive Director of Procurement Services to ensure there are satisfactory controls over its related purchases and the proper procurement method is followed. This alternate payment method includes paying for goods or services received without a PO, if an authorize signature authorizes the purchase and payment will be through the unencumbered payment process without requiring a Non-conforming Purchase Justification form.
- 5.4.4 FIU Board of Trustees approval for certain value transactions
- Added information on the Resolution on the President’s Powers and Duties as approved by the Board of Trustees.
- Contracts for the purchase, sale, lease, license, or acquisition of commodities, goods, equipment and other types of personal property, software, and contractual services, including private attorney services, greater than or equal to $1,000,000, require the prior approval of the Finance Committee of FIU Board of Trustees. Any such transaction greater than or equal to $3,000,000, requires the prior approval of the full FIU Board of Trustees.
- Departments are responsible for planning accordingly and in advance any transaction that is subject to the aforementioned approval. Please contact as early as possible to obtain the necessary forms and guidance if the transaction is estimated to meet the thresholds mentioned above.
- Sponsored Project Contracts greater than or equal to $500,000 that obligate only funds that derive from sources that are external to the University, i.e., direct funds and indirect funds also known as Facilities and Administrative, or F&A, funds shall be reported after-the-fact on a quarterly basis to the Finance Committee. The Research Funding Certification Form shall be executed for Sponsored Project Contracts greater than or equal to $1,000,000 that obligate only F&A funds.
- 4 Cooperative/Piggy-back Purchasing Contracts.
- Updated information to require Procurement Services to maintain appropriate justification for the use of services contract adoption when piggybacking.
- 10.4.5 Contract Termination
- Added information on contract termination and the need to contact The Office of General Counsel for guidance.
GovSpend (formerly known as GovQuote)
Quotes & RFQs is a web-based quoting tool within the GovSpend platform. FIU Procurement Services has rolled out Quotes & RFQs for all university purchases below $75,000. Use of GovSpend Quotes & RFQs is mandatory for purchases between $10,000 to $74,999, unless the purchase is exempt, a sole source or you are piggybacking off an existing contract. contract awarded as a result of a competitive solicitation.
When setting up requisitions, please make sure to include the GovSpend audit link as a header comment along with a copy of the awarded quote. Please click here for standard comment instructions.
The Executive Director of Procurement Services can approve the request to award other than the low quote when two or more quotes are received, if the low quote is not the most responsible, responsive quote and justification is provided via e-mail that support the recommended award. The Executive Director will consider maximum value for money spent by awarding quotes or bids to the most responsible, responsive bidder, taking into consideration the following: quality, performance, support, delivery schedule, experience, previous performance, business location, and other relevant factors.
For help with your account, visit the GovSpend Helpdesk: GovSpend Support Specialists are also available via Live Chat, Monday-Friday, during normal business hours. For training or assistance with registration, contact Jeff Horswell at
After-the-Fact Travel Authorizations New Requirements
Travel Authorizations are required to be approved prior to incurring expenses on behalf of the University. This approval is granted through the Peoplesoft Financial system process. Failure to follow this requirement results in non-compliance. Effective September 01, 2020, a second level supervisor approval will be required in addition to an explanation, (example below) of why non-conforming expenses were incurred prior to obtaining an approved TA.
Please note that continued non-compliance may result in suspension to travel for FIU.
Blanket Purchase Orders
As a reminder, blanket purchase order requests must contain requisition origin “BPO”, and you must include the authorized user information as a comment. For instructions on how to properly set up a blanket purchase order, please refer to the Purchasing through eProcurement manual found here.
Reminders & Deadlines
Help us to expedite approving Travel Authorizations, Cash Advances, and Expense Reports. Documents that have not been completely finalized and are older than 90 days will be cancelled or deleted by the Travel Department. A list of pending documents is located here. Information regarding report status abbreviations and how to close or cancel Travel Authorizations and/or Expense Reports can be found here.