Newsletter 2024-2025 Volume 6


Monthly Closing Deadlines

The November 2024 period in the general ledger has closed.  The current and future month-end processing deadline schedules are located at Monthly Closing Deadlines.

Cash Controls Policy 1110.010

The Cash Controls Policy 1110.010 was revised in January 2024 (the initial policy was issued in March 1995). This policy informs the University community about the cash handling requirements that departments must follow when collecting cash (currency and checks) outside of the University’s designated Cashiering locations. It also requires locations collecting above the established dollar threshold to apply to become an authorized Cash Collection Point (CCP).

Significant updates to the policy:

  • The dollar threshold to be considered a collection point is now $1,000 per fiscal year.
  • The deposit timeframe increased to one business day for currency and two business days for checks.
  • Everyone handling cash must have an Expanded Background Check, no exceptions.
  • Locations must have three-way segregation of duties, no exceptions.

The update to the policy also includes a revised CCP Standard Operating Procedures manual with guidance on control measures to safeguard cash and mitigate the inherent risk of loss. There is also a new CCP training course in FIU Develop and new CCP applications in PS Financials.

The Quality Assurance Services team (QAS) in the Controller’s office is currently identifying departments that may be collecting cash outside of a Cashiering location. QAS will reach out to you to discuss the policy further and start the application process if deemed necessary.

In the meantime, it is important that departments familiarize themselves with the updated policy and procedures.

Updated Departmental Pcard Manual Available

Your Credit Card Solutions Team is happy to announce that a revised version of the Departmental Pcard Manual is now available at the Controller’s website

A few of the highlighted areas that we urge you to review are:

  • Section 2.10- Process for Card Cancellations, page 9.
  • Section 4.5-    Processing Click Through Agreements, page 23.
  • Section 4.12- Food Purchases (preferred Catering), page 25.
  • Section 4.16 – Non-Allowable/Restricted Purchases, page 28.

Card Cancellation Process

It is the responsibility of each department’s administrators to timely request cancellations of P-Cards. A P-Card must be cancelled in the bank when cardholder is terminating employment with FIU or transferring to another department in a role that does not include duties requiring a P-Card. Immediate notification by the cardholder’s Approver, Supervisor or Department Head MUST must be sent via email to the Credit Card Solutions Team (CCS) Team at, notifying of the termination or transfer so that the card can be cancelled in the bank, prior to sending the Card Cancellation Form to the CCS team. Departments that fail to follow the correct and timely card cancellation protocols risk losing the card privileges for their entire unit.

Reminders & Deadlines

Departmental Card Deadline

As a reminder, Departmental Card billing transactions regularly load the first business day of the month; program participants will have 10 days to process this activity in its entirety. This month’s billing statement (dated November 29, 2024) loaded into PantherSoft on December 2, 2024 and must be completely processed by the end of business December 13, 2024.    

Any charges not processed by the closing deadline will be automatically charged to the cardholder’s default accounting on file and will not be eligible for expense transfer.     

Additionally, cardholders with three unjustified non-approvals in the same fiscal year will have their card limits suspended until they complete a retraining session.

Pending Travel Reports

Please approve Travel Authorizations, Cash Advances, and Expense reports in a timely manner. Documents that have not been completely finalized and are older than 90 days will be canceled or deleted by the Travel Department.  A list of pending documents is located here.  For information regarding report status abbreviations and how to close or cancel Travel Authorizations and/or Expense Reports, please click here.

Unidentified Wire Transfers and ACH Payments

The Controller’s Office occasionally receives payments that cannot be applied to the appropriate department due to inadequate information. Click here for the list of unidentified wire transfers and ACH payments as of November 2024.

To claim a payment, please contact Cash Management and provide the following information:

  • Payment details
  • Activity/Speedtype to which the payment should be recorded
  • Revenue Account to which the payment should be recorded

Not identified payments within 45 days of the wire/ACH date will be returned to the sender.